
Jerry Cirino

My name is Jerry Cirino and I am the founder and host of Fides Podcast.  I live in Hinckley, OH with my wife Amy and my 8 children.  I started Fides Podcast as a challenge to the false and misleading media that has infiltrated our society.  Knowledge, Faith, and Truth are what is all too often missing in our society today, and especially in our youth.  I am here to champion strong American values of Life, economic freedom, liberty, and faith. 
Guests of Fides Podcast include:  
Governor Scott Walker 
Alveda King 
Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life 
Alison Centofante of Live Action
Elisha Krauss of Young American’s Foundation
Liz Wheeler, host of The Liz Wheeler Show 
Molly Smith, President of Cleveland Right to Life
